You all have the dubious honour of being inaugural members of the balloon mailing list which I've finally got fettled. Sincere apologies if you didn't want to be here of I've not used the optimum address for you. Please use the painless mailman interface to check/fiddle with your settings as you see fit. And tell me if anything is broken. We should have the list, with a web archive, web or email admin, digest version etc. The list is member-posting only but publically-accessible member-list. Bleat if this offends your anti-spam sensibilities. The one thing I don't know yet is if stronger anti-spam measures will be needed than member-only posting. We're running with the defaults for now. This should improve the efficiency of general balloon discussion over the select CC lists we've been using so far. I'm not sure how many TCLers want to be on here so I've signed up david, nick and jenny so far. enjoy. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: play: