James I was discussing USB master chips with Steve a while back (trying to avoid the ghastly cache shattering 1KHz interrupt-to-do-nothing overhead that the chip demands) and noted that there are a couple of Cypress chips (one huge and one diddy) and a Transdimension chip (as used in Cerfs) that would be far better. Steve agreed and suggested we use them. There are linux drivers (2.4) for both (I think) and the Transdimension permitted theirs to be shipped with the GPL sources for the Cerf board. However, the Copyright messages in the drivers do not mention GPL so i am unclear of the legals. It is my conviction that we should switch to one of these chips asap but only if we can get GPL driver support, preferably for 2.6. However, that might not be a Guralp friendly thing to do. Opinion? Nick