Charles, There seems to be a difference between jffs2 and yaffs in how file permissions are reported. This came to light while running an embedded webserver (boa) and using yaffs for one of its server directories (an Alias as it happens). Accessing the files out of yaffs results in the server reporting that the access is forbidden (not "file not found") while under jffs2 all is well. I made the jffs2 test tree by copying the the original yaffs tree (thus copying the permissions too) into a mounted blank jffs2 partition and remounting the jffs2 partition over the yaffs one. Hopefully, only the fs is differrent. I noted earlier that copying directories where one directory was a remote nfs mounted yaffs directory caused errors of the form yet the directory was not there to begin with and appears ok after the error (though the "cp -R x y" is aborted). Interestingly, "cp -R x y" on the target system is fine. Might these be related? Nick Bane --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is hosted by Toby Churchill open software ( If mailing list membership is no longer wanted you can remove yourself from the list by sending an email to with the text "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) as the subject.