+++ guo@unication.com.cn [03-07-29 14:12 +0800]: > > from your mail i feel apart from base boot codes + yaffs direct interface > > you want to store everything else(zImage , ramdisk & others) on YAFFS file > > system. > Yes, it's exact my mean. Can it ? There is example bootloader code for booting from yaffs in boot.c, so I went to see how big it was (I think it's less than 2K) but then I noticed this isn't in my version of yaffs from CVS. Charles - is this code not in CVS yet or am I being dumb? I'm pretty sure you can easily get a first-stage loader into your 16K which will read a file out of the YAFFS root. The example code is not a full YAFFS reader but it is enough to read a file from the root so you can run it. Whilst I'm here - sorry viewcvs has been broken for a while - I've put the site onto a virtual server and it broke due to security paranoia. I'll fix it soon. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is hosted by Toby Churchill open software (www.toby-churchill.org). If mailing list membership is no longer wanted you can remove yourself from the list by sending an email to yaffs-request@toby-churchill.org with the text "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) as the subject.