Hi YAFFSERs Thanks to Stephan for pointing out the holes in the du reporting. I have just patched yaffs_fs.c with something that should be right. Comments/feedback appreciated. NB though: du is at best an approximation of actual disk in use. It does not take into account reserved space etc. Wookey has checked in a submitted path in yaffs_guts to do with the handling of yaffs_DeleteChunk(). While the patch should be benign (ie won't break YAFFS), I think the patch is based on a misunderstanding of the way NAND works and do not think it is required and will slow things slightly. I am discussing the issue with the submitter and Wookey to resolve one way or the other. Regards -- CHarles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is hosted by Toby Churchill open software (www.toby-churchill.org). If mailing list membership is no longer wanted you can remove yourself from the list by sending an email to yaffs-request@toby-churchill.org with the text "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) as the subject.