----- Original Message ----- From: "gjx" To: "戚舌据" -----> Hmm. I see my name appear really wierd. Chinese characters, I guess. -----> (Although I can't read it haha) Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:14 PM Subject: Re: Re: some questions to use the Yaffs hi, >Hi xiaoxing(is this your name?), my name is guo jianxing, you can directly call me xiaoxing -----> Well, My name is 川嫗坿. Hope you can read this. (Sorry for the others who don't -----> have Chinese support) >As being a newbie just like you, I know little about the bootloader. >But I think that the first thing you should do is to visit http://linux-mtd.infradead.org >and check out the latest MTD codes, and then write a file that suits to your dev. board. >(drivers/mtd/nand/spia.c in the MTD source will help with that) thanks, i'm read it. >And about the bootloader, here's how I handled it. >I partitioned my NAND flash into several pieces, and used one of them as my root file system.(in my case, the root file system is on /dev/mtdblock3, so I gave root=/dev/mtdblock3 as a kernel parameter) what are the benefits to partition NAND flash into several pieces. ------> well, I guess it's hard to answer this one. it's because I use YAFFS on ------> some partitions and don't on others. That's all. :) >The kernel image, I didn't store it on YAFFS; I stored it as raw binary, writing some additional (nothing to do with YAFFS) functions used to read/write it supporting ECC. the additional functions need to be added bootloader? are they used to write the kernel image to the nand? can you send me the related docment about you have performance the yaffs, and the additional (nothing to do with YAFFS) functions used to read/write it supporting ECC.thanks very much. ------> The additional functions are almost identical to the ones written in ------> [linux]/drivers/mtd/nand/nand.c. The reason I wrote them is to have ------> direct access to the NAND flash, as my boss thought that it would be ------> faster when writing the kernel image or other stuff. (but I don't think ------> it helped much heh heh) ------> And about ECC, I'm sure that the functions in [linux]/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c ------> would do the trick. All you have to do is push in a 256-byte array, ------> and you get the ECC results! ------> About bootstrapping, I made a small ROM chip that loads the kernel. ------> I put the reading functions I wrote in the chip, and it reads and executes ------> the kernel code. (The BIOS is called linuxBIOS, I can't tell you the project ------> homepage, I don't know where it is) >Hope It helped. >Good Luck, may the force be with you :) > >Edward, in Korea. >         gjx         xiaoxing001@etang.com           2003-04-14