08/04/2004 18:42:51, Wookey wrote: >There are lots of things one could usefully write about ballon to help >people grok it but a couple of the most basic are >1) a list of the GPIOs and what they are assigned to on particular variants Yes - this is actually documented in the backplane board. I'll export it into clear text this weekend. Some prototype code to show how to twiddle the GPIOs and PLD resources from linux would also be handy, for those of us on the hardware side. Such things, while obvious to softies, are utterly unguessable :) >2) a memory map It's easy enough to generate a hardware memory map - not least because it's an unavoidable consequence of the SA1110. However, having it documented in easy-to-find text would be handy. The problem is, after the OS and MMU have been at it, who knows where anything is? I certainly don't. 2 different chunks of documentation needed. >3) Some info on why it is designed the way it is (I had someone pointing out >that balloon was very cool - but they really want to understand the design >descisions made as well as just looking at the schemeatic). Why this >particular driver chip, etc. Some notes steve? Yep - will do. The general purpose answer is "to make it mostly compatable with iPaqs, to reduce software hassles", and "because that's the way the SA1110 requires it". Once those two are satisfied, there's not much leeway. I'll generate something rather more complete, though - there are certainly some twiddly bits that deserve a bit of explanation. Steve