hi!! I'm george (ura_urkel), a student from balloonboard. I make another question. I would like to connect my balloon to my pc. In the instructions say that if I apply 3.3V, in 10 seconds i give a flashing #_prompt, but... I connect with the serial port to my pc in linux and windows... and i not see this promt. I configure the terminal with 9600 bauds and 8N1, and no flux control (hardware), this is the specifications of the arm manual. I connect the serial connector to JTAG1 (J1) and JTAG2 (J12) of my balloom, this is correct?! or there are other connector.... For example, in the J2 connector says "" J12: 'Pinko' 0.1" header - Amplified Audio,3.3 and 5V power, Reset" """1st serial port""" (This is the comunications port?!?!) Thanks for all. George. Ura_urkel