12/04/2004 16:07:20, ura_urkel wrote: >I would like to connect my balloon to my pc. >In the instructions say that if I apply 3.3V, in 10 seconds i give a >flashing #_prompt, but... I connect with the serial port to my pc in >linux and windows... and i not see this promt. Hi, there should be lots of other text scrolling up before that, too. J1 would be my first guess, but it depends where whoever compiled the kernel has put the console port. Where did you get your Balloon from? (In it's most common implementation, J1 is console, and the red (pinko) connector goes into another piece of dedicated hardware.) I'm also not entirely sure that 9600 baud is appropriate. Do you see anything at all on your serial terminal? Also, how are you connecting from the balloon connector to the PC? Do you have any lights coming on on the Balloon? If it's been assembled according to the plan, there should be a green lihgt on all the time there's power, and a red light should come on when you press the reset button. If they're not doing the right thing, the serial port is not your first concern. If you have access to a multimeter or an oscilloscope, let me know. (Also, if you get a _flashing_ #, I'll be very, very surprised :) Steve