>Using a PSU I borrowed from Wookey, and I presume that should be Ok. It >doesn't state its max current output on the supply. >Since it boots Ok with a different boot loader, is it OK to presume that >the powersupply is good? No, it's the transient performance that distinguishes between good and bad PSU's. >Standard build AFAIK, didn't have a CF card in when it played up. I did >have a CF card in at one point whilst it was working, but owing to me >not knowing the root password of the disto (rootme), I didn't get to see >if it would mount ok. >There are two MAX604s on the board next ot the USB Connectors. This would imply that it is not a standard Guralp build. (Wookey?) And that you should be running it from 5v however *don't* try this till Aleph can confirm whats been put on this board. One extra question what, apart from connectors, is fitted to the back of the board? David. iTechnic Ltd.