19/07/2004 15:01:53, "David Bisset" wrote: >Steve, >Can we know what's currently on the PXA version, or in your head... >(delta from 2.05/2.06)? Well, 2 days ago, the plan was a simple spin, adding a PXA255 and a kinder-to-software USB controller, plus rolling in any bugfixes that were called for. However, Nick has put unclean thoughts in my mind about PXA27X, and I'm very, very tempted. It's 2 generations on, and it shows - I could ditch the external USB controller and boot ROM, but I'd have to abandon the current cheap&cheerful SDRAM and move to something low voltage - good in some ways, annoying in others. Some of the other PXA27X peripherals are pretty spiffy, too. (Particularly taken by the MSL to avoid the need for shifting huge busses around, and teh DMA controller now seems to be rather more capable. The AC97 codec interface has a certain simple charm - dunno if AC97 codecs come in low-power versions yet - the last one I played with was a current hog) Factors counting against the PXA27X are: Software - the power control is pretty serious, and I know that the SA1110 code doesn't always kick down as far as I'd like, and teh peripherals are many and varied. There'll be fun beating the bugs out of this. I'm not tracking the handhelds porting progress, on whose shoulder It's a big change. SA1110 to PXA255 was trivial(ish). The PXA27X is, while still a SA1100 at heart, a substantial spin. The reference schematic is 100 sheets, implying that I've got a heck of a lot of reading. In fact, all the datasheets are massive. At the moment, I'm tending towards the 27X, any comments from the list? Steve