27/07/2004 03:45:16, Jamie Morken wrote: >Oops, just found it in the design guide: >"The GPIOs are not fast-switching devices and do not switch any faster than >10 MHz." I think that the SA1100 also had such a warning, and its GPIOs used to go astonishingly fast. During development, we were able o get a 3-intruction loop to wiggle them, on a 200MHz clock... Not tried on a more recent chip, so dunno - easy enough to check, though However, what is it that you're contemplating doing that way? Sounds like the job for a tiny PLD / FPGA / Scenix micro, rather than wasting the other 99.9% of a PXA on something it'll struggle to manage. (Free (money) design tools for FPGAs are extremely usable - Xilinx Webpack stuff has, up until I needed to start embedding 32-bit micros in FPGAs, been fine for even some relatively tricky stuff) If you really must use a micro to do this, I suspect that you'll end up trawling thought TI's (or other - I have no experience other than TI) madder DSPs, and even then, I'm not sure you'll get near 200MHz interrupts. FPGAs have to be the way forward. Steve