Interesting issue: I mounted a usb DVD without specifying a file system eg "mount /dev/scsi/..blah1../cd /mnt/hda" and to my surprise I found a copy of a yaffs fs from /dev/mtdblock/1 mounted instead - after going through ext2 ext3 vfat etc and deciding that yaffs was its true fs. It seems that yaffs assumes that it is only ever mounted on a mtd device and that it only needs to glance at its minor number to work out which device to use from which it checks to see if it is indeed a nand device. In this case is decided that the "1" from the scsi block device meant /dev/mtdblock/1 (that is my nand boot partition) and not letting the scsi iso9660 filesystem mount as I expected. Needs fixing - Charles? Nick ------------------------------------------- Nick Bane Cambridge, UK. +44(0)1954 719270 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is hosted by Toby Churchill open software ( If mailing list membership is no longer wanted you can remove yourself from the list by sending an email to with the text "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) as the subject.