Hi YAFFSers I'd like to ask the opinion of YAFFS-land before I do something. One of the checks YAFFS currently does is to check that a chunk is fully erased before it is written to. In many ways this check is overkill because the chunk is verified again after writing. There is a compile switch to disable this: CONFIG_YAFFS_DISABLE_CHUNK_ERASED_CHECK. Indeed, the only time I have ever seen this test trigger was due to a stupid block management bug long since fixed. Clearly this check is a bit expensive time-wise So herewith a thought... Most likely ??? this check will get triggered by some attempt to write to an unerased block. Therefore I wonder whether it makes sense to only do this check on the first chunk in every block. This would give some speed-up. Thoughts anyone? -- Charles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is hosted by Toby Churchill open software (www.toby-churchill.org). If mailing list membership is no longer wanted you can remove yourself from the list by sending an email to yaffs-request@toby-churchill.org with the text "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) as the subject.