> Dear Friends!! > > I have a balloonboard 2.05g and I make a project. > I see that my balloon has three memories, NAND (96MB) , FLASH MEMORY > (64 MB) & SDRAM (512 MB) if I understand the specifications correctly. > > I see the compact flash. This memory is limited to one chip (Max > 64MB). There are man devices you can mount. If you use an ethernet card you can nfs/samba mount what you like. I have used a 1GM microdrive successfully. There is no 64MB limit. > I have a memory with 16 MB and I would like to access to this > compact. I make a programs (to study the capacity of this hardware) > with load of several information with the serial port and save in > compact flash to export and another equipment, PC for example. > Assuming that this is a CF hard-disk-alike then you need to install pcmcia support and suitable filesystems. vfat is likely to be your best option. > How mount this device?!? > With instruccion mount -t /dev/... is correctly(similar Linux)?! That depends on the partitioning of the CF card. Small ones may be FAT16 on a single partition (eg /dev/hda) while others may have several partitions. I use a variety - vfat, ext2, ext3. All work as expected. The only problems I have is with resume/suspend but this is also noted in familiar. It seems best to unmount/remount the card around a suspend/resume. > It is a variant of the Familar distribution and therefore Debian Linux. > > Thanks for all!! > One friend of spain!! Welcome. Nick > Ura > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Balloon mailing list > Balloon@balloonboard.org > http://balloonboard.org/mailman/listinfo/balloon