Hi ballooners!! In previous e-mail (Vol 1 #40 - 2 msgs)to this mail-list I asked for connect my compact flash with the balloonboard. Nick Bane (thanks) said me some instrucctions to connect this device. Similar to linux with some variables. I make some test and I see: cat /etc/fstab /dev/nand / yaffs sysfs /sys tmpfs /mnt/ramfs /mnt/ramfs tmpfs proc /proc devpts /dev/pts /dev/sm /usr/local --> This is the Smart Media Mount in /dev/sm /mnt/sm /mnt/sm I deduce tha /dev/sm is the Smart Media (compact flash) device. But, the systemstype put yaffs. My compact is in FAT16, I put some archives. I write, mount -t vfat /dev/sm /mnt/sm mount /dev/sm /mnt/sm mount /dev/hda /mnt/sm I don't see anything. mkdir cf in /mnt/cf mount -t vfat /dev/sm /mnt/cf I don't see anything. Somebody has could this device to balloon?!Or somebody know the problem?! Balloon is a very interesting device :-P Thanks for all!! One friend from Spain!! Ura