Hi everybody. I have read some of the mails from archive to get an overview of your future plans of balloon 3.0. At the moment I'm also planning to develope a new board for my self . My toughts are very similar to the ons from the mailing list and thats why I like to join your project. Three years ago I started to port Linux to the tablet pc "SIMpad" from siemens which is based on a SA1110. We had big success in porting. Unfortunately the interfaces of the simpad are not well choosed. WHat I like to do now is to replaced the mainboard whith a new one which has all the features of modern PDAlike: -wireless -bluetooth -CF -SD -USB -Stereo SOund etc Intel has now two processors which I interessed in: -PXA27x -2700G With this new graphic chip I can use the TFT display which has a resolution 800x600x16 My idea was also to make a board with different modules which can be changed. E.G. I seperate interface board which can exchanged with another with different interfaces. Like in object oriented programming we can develope a combinatin of boards depends on the requirement. I don't know what the state of the progress is but I would liike to join and to help in developing a new board. To my background: I'm an electrical enginneer and I'm working as an embedded software engineer. Recently we have develope a new board which is based on the OMAP5910 from TI I'm working with linux sine 1994. My project is www.opensimpad.org. SO can anyone give me a state of the project. I know eagle from cadsoft very well. Can anyone send me cadlib of the PXA27x? I have read that in some previous mails. Cheers J