17/09/2004 11:36:09, juergen.messerer@freesurf.ch wrote: >Are the Intel STRATA Flash a special kind of FLASH Types? Yes. Have a rummage round http://developer.intel.com/ - they store 2 bits of data (4 charge levels) per flash cell, so they're twice the density of normal NOR, for only a slight price (die-size) increase. They're still nowhere near as big or as cheap as NAND devices, though. (All the CF cards, USB pen-drives, MP3 players out there use NAND flash - it's the obvious choice, if you don't need to execute directly from it.). Note that, while you can execute from NOR flash, if you're going to allow for worn-out sectors, it all starts to get rather hard work. The Balloon solution of storing stuff in NAND, and executing from RAM, has a certain simple charm. Steve