Hello. Help me please. I've pulled yaffs into uclinux 2.6.8 kernel. It works, but there is 2 strange thing: 1st: mount -t yaffs /dev/mtdblock1 /mnt yaffs: dev is 32505857 name is "mtdblock1" ls /mnt #or make another access umount /mnt VFS: Busy inodes after umount. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... The last line bother me, though nothing bad happened, i can mount/use/umount the flash several times. 2nd problem is more serious. I loose memory when i'm working on mounted yaffs. After each run of a command such as 'cp' or 'cmp' the /proc/meminfo shows the 'MemFree' is decremented and 'Cached' is incremented by a roughly filesize of copyed/compared file. It happened even when i do 'cp the-same-file /dev/null' several times. The memory is never freed, even after umount. Finally, i can't run a new processes due to insufficient memory. Note, the uclinux is a no-MMU platform, so there is no virtual memory. I'm not sure at all is it a yaffs' bug. I'm just don't know where to dig and how is fs cahe controlled. May anyone point me a direction? Regards. Timofei.