+++ Charles Manning [04-10-14 12:12 +1300]: > This is a historic thing. > USE_GENERIC_RW uses the Linux page cache for read/write. This means that the Linux generic_read and generic_write functions are used which and YAFFS supplies the read_page write_page calls. > > Not defining USE_GENERIC_RW directly implements read/write without using the page cache. > > The direct read/write stuff was iimplemented first, and I followed it by generic read/write when memory mapping was implemented. During the transition both options worked. Things have now moved on and not defining USE_GENERIC_RW is broken, with no real motivation to fix it. > > Ie. You should always define USE_GENERIC_RW. > > This comes up every couple of months on the list. I guess I should pull it out. We did find one person who found that it was useful to avoid the cache as it gave them a significant speedup in their fairly pathological use-case, as I recall. Maybe what we need is some better docs about what the various defines do and when you would want to use them.... There has been a lot of useful info on this list in the last couple of weeks - it just needs collecting together and putting on the web/in the docs. I've been meaning to updatethe docs for a while - but if anyone else feels enthused.... Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/