21/10/2004 17:38:24, "Glen VanMilligan" wrote: > Has anyone used any other LCD's than the Grey/White or the Sony > ACX705AKM-7 Color LCD? There's nothing particularly unusual about Balloon's LCD interface - it mostly just exposes the SA1110's LCD interface, so anything that you can drive from the SA1110 should work fine. The power supply stage is pretty flexible, too. For something like the ACX705AKM-7 you probably want to build a tiny PCB with a couple of LDO voltage regulators and the appropriate conectors, but that can easily be single-sided and ultra-cheap. (In fact, I'm sort of expecting such a board to come out of Aeph-1 soon, since they (and I ) have a stash of those displays. Setting up the registers for a new LCD isn't particularly onerous. You might find yourself wanting some 'scope-time, just to check that it's all working like you'd expect. (Note that, if you're using the high LCD data pins, (on J2) you'll lose the GPIOs if you're planning to use them for switches or the like. I know that Nick / TCL use some of the GPIOs to drive LEDS to indicate OS power states. Siezing those pins back for the LCD shouldn't (I hope) cause problems, but bear it in mind). I'm not the right person to answer the display software questions - I hope someone else can step in (however, if it works on the ipaq, it'll be possible on Balloon, too, since the hardware's pretty similar - there's only so many ways you can skin a SA1110-based cat...) Steve