Afternoon, all... A bit of rummaging with microphones on Balloon2.05 this morning - there 2 issues, if anyone wants to just hang a PC microphone straight off a Balloon (which,to be honest, is only really expecting line input, the microphone feature was just an (optimistic) last- minute thing.) First - microphone levels are rather low. Slapping in a x100 gain block (Maplin N69AW worked very well for £6, if needed for prototyping) Second - the phantom power to the microphone isn't clean enough, and you get a 'pock' noise every time the 3V rail drops a bit (when the CPU comes out of idle). If you remove the phantom power resistors (R17, R18) and the pulldowns (R19, R20), and use a battery-powered mic, the quality's pretty darn good, though. Since the gain block stops the phantom power from getting to the mic anyway, this pair of mods go pretty well together. Balloon3 will have better power isolation to drive the mic, assuming I can find the space. Steve