I just thought I'd update the list with the latest developments. After sending some scanned pictures to Steve and Wookey, they both spotted a blob of solder between the tracks going to D10 and NIOCS16. After a quick vist to Steve's house on Saturday everything is now working and I now have a wireless card happily talking to a wireless access point. Many thanks to Steve, and also to everybody else who offered advice while I was trying to get the CF stuff working. If anybody wants to see the offending blob of solder that caused all the problems, there are some pictures at http://www-civ.eng.cam.ac.uk/brg/pics/ (which I'll try and leave up for a while). Paul Fidler -- Cambridge University Engineering Department | Tel: +44 1223 332816 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK | Fax: +44 1223 332662