+++ Glen VanMilligan [05-03-03 14:46 -0600]: > Can you comment on what pieces I need to use to do remote debugging with gdb > from my machine? I have done it once (to a netbook, rather than a balloon) but I've forgotten the runes. Read the gdb help/man page/google is all I can suggest right now (I'm going on holiday in a few minutes). If you have a working network connection to the balloon then using gdb over that is simple. Serial is probably a bit more fiddly. > I downloaded the gdb from another arm site, but loading it along with the > libncurses5 wouldn't work, so I removed (ipkg remove) them and corrupted my > balloon board root filesystem. (Lets not do that again.) What sort of 'wouldn't work'? The balloon filesystem is based on familiar v0.7 so a gdb version from familiar.handhelds.org might be a good bet if the debian one doesn't want to play. > Do you have a copy of the gdb that works on the balloon board through the > console? Not to hand. no. Sorry. I can take a look at this when I get back. In the meantime can anyone else point glen in the right direction? Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/