+++ Glen VanMilligan [05-05-03 09:30 -0500]: > First, I was hoping I could get some help on the specifications for the PINKO > port, as I was having trouble getting it to talk. So could some one tell me > what the voltage levels and current values are that make it work. I don't know about that. Al the PINKO_* lines go to the CPLD so must use its logic levels. Check the datasheet but I assume it is standard 5V-tolerant 3V logic. The AUD_L_* and AUD_R_* signals go to the Audio chip so again check the datasheet for levels. The AUD_IN signal is a bit more subtle. Check if R26 and R27 are fitted to enable it. Hardware people? what are the levels for this? > Would some > one also tell me what a PINKO device is that needs both audio and data? The name PINKO actually refers to the connector itself. (a red 14-way connector). The set of signals is chosen to suit TCL's add-on hardware. > Second, I don't know where I should get the source code for the XICOR CPLD. I > belive I saw the binary code on the aleph site, but not the source. We are > still thinking that we should be using d31 on the large external connector, > so we would need to make the change. I've got a .jed file here but I'm not sure if that the correct editable form, and it's certainly not the most recent version. Chris, you almost certainly have the newest CPLD source - can you post it? > Third, I have been relying heavily on the WIKI for the balloon, but it hasn't > returned.  Is there any new hope for it to be resurrected? Sorry about that - I didn't have time to fix it before I went on holiday. It's on my list of things to do now. We do need to get it back up. Maybe I'll but up a blank one for now as that's better than nothing and decouples 'having a wiki' from 'resurrecting the corrupt database'. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/