Some points to mention... > Listing lost+found gives: > # ls /mnt/lost\+found/ > ls: /mnt/lost+found/obj17170432: Value too large for defined data type > ls: /mnt/lost+found/obj17235968: Value too large for defined data type > ls: /mnt/lost+found/obj17301504: Value too large for defined data type > [etc...] > Stuff turns up in lost+found when the directory structure can't handle it. Stuff in lost+found shows up in two ways: 1) If the name looks sane (eg. .../lost+found/myfile.txt) then it means that YAFFS scanning could find the directory that myfile belongs to and it got dumped there instead. Well actually it will be dumped in .../lost+found/objxxx/myfile.txt). 2) If the file name is something like objnnnn then it means that YAFFS found some data chunks, but could not find a file name to associate with them. We're observing 2 above. It is also worth noting that the nnn in obj nnn is made up by YAFFS at ls time from the objectId of the chunk. Thus, obj17170432 tells us that a chunk turned up marked with objectId 1717042. Now objectIds are created sequentiually starting at 4096, and I don't believe that 1717000-odd files have been created on this system, which says to me that the objectId in the tags got corrupted. All this is very consistent with the mtd problems discussed by others here. I believe this has been fixed in mtd CVS. As a side issue: I have finally got around to purchasing a new coimputer to be loaded with Linux 2.6. It has 1GB of RAM which means I should be able to do proper mtd emulations of up to, say, 512MB of NAND. I hope this will be able to help me do a better job of improving mtd and 2.6 integration. -- Charles