>> The changes from Balloon 2 are: >> - VDD_3V is now VDD_IO (still a 3.3V supply) >> - VDD_5V is now VDD_RAW (which is 'rough' 5V) >Well, sort of. If you feed 5V in, it'll be 5V... If you strap it to a lithium cell, it won't be. >Bear in mind that these pins could as easily be used to feed power into >the balloon, as to feed power from the Balloon to the other board - >depends if you see the board as a backplane or an expansion card, really. From this I assume that the New Balloon generates 5v (for USB etc) on-board? If not then this probably ought to be 5ish. I certainly power the Balloon via the Samtec and not the other way round. So I would be feeding 5vish into these pins. Can we clarify the function of the following signals: RUN_NAND - Do we need it? NAND_RNB - Originally internal to Balloon2, therefore should just revert to GPIO. SAMOSA_ABSENT - What does it mean, a SAMOSA device is plugged in, or is powered and working? Why do we need it since the SAMOSA bus isn't on the backplane (and doesn't need to be). NSLEEP - This used to be a very hardware signal that shut off the 5v switcher, it is now connected to GPIO so cannot fulfil its original function. Should this become GPIO or is there a real "TURN IT ALL OFF" signal that this should be connected to. (Having said this I've never used it). >Steve Keep up the good work. Cheers David