Sergey Please try to keep your comments constructive. On Wednesday 21 September 2005 08:51, Sergey Kubushyn wrote: > On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Timofei V. Bondarenko wrote: > > It does NOT. Now it crashes the kernel. When using it as a root FS the very > first ldconfig bombs out on rename. sys_rename->vfs_rename->yaffs_rename > and KABOOM!!! -- kernel's dead with sefgault and the filesystem is trashed. Can you please provide a stack dump. That would be constructive. I don't see how the whole filesystem could be trashed. > Next mount attempt results in syslog full of "kernel: yaffs tragedy: > attempting to use non-directory as a directory in scan. Put in lost+found." > messages. Can you give more details on this?