Hello, A tad off-topic to this list, but I wanted to ask about the relative benefits between using a flash-centric file system versus a translation layer. The YAFFS page just says that a translation layer was considered, but in the end a file system seemed better, without any embellishment. I have been asked to create a small (code-size) and otherwise memory friendly filesystem for a DINOR IV device, which appears to have a lot of the pitfalls of NAND removed (ECC, sequential writes, limited page write count, etc.) I am currently guessing that the reason a translation layer wouldn't be so friendly is that you have to use 512 bytes for every update to the translation table with NAND, even though you would probably only be using a very small amount of that. However, for the device I am writing for, it appears to be that I can do byte-level access, so this wouldn't be an issue. Is there other issues I need to consider? At the moment, a translation layer appears to be the simplest solution, but I haven't found any good discussions on the subject (except the Wikipedia mentioning the PCMCIA FTL patent.) Thank you, Chris Williams -- Chris Williams