Nearly a year ago (march) the balloonboard wiki was so badly spammed that it became corrupt and not easily restorable. As it was one big db2 database and I couldn't find any easy tools for fishing the data out of it and restoring it, and there had been some disastisfaction expressed with the phpwiki software in use (hard to display code fragments) I decided to change to another wiki. This has taken an unfeasibly long time due to erm, , but we now have a moinmoin wiki, with anti-spam global badcontent ( list and logins for editing. You can subscribe to pages you are interested in, and the whole thing is simply stored as text files so future disaster reversions/migrations will be _much_ simpler. I have migrated all the old content I could find (by dumping the old database as ascii and copying out the page content - very high-tech). A couple of pages seemed to be missed but were probably null in the original site. Quite a lot of the still needs updating to moin-moin style markup. Feel free to join in. And more careful distinction between BAllon2 and Balloon3 info is needed. Please also add the intervening year's-worth of edits. Oh yes - and right now it only works as not That will get fixed when I work out which flavour of regexp is needed. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: play: