Chris Jones wrote: > A thought occurs: Samosa-aware software tends to assume that if > SM_ABSENT is asserted (ie, there's no SmartMedia card in the slot) it's > safe to do Samosa-type things. I can't quite see why the boot loader has > anything to do with Samosa, though, since no-one's ever built any Samosa > peripherals which are useful before the Kernel's booted - Nick? The latest (3.6) bootldr code has Samosa/Minipug stuff in it, presumably Nick is using the Framebuffer. Colin -- Colin Tuckley | | PGP/GnuPG Key Id +44(0)1903 236872 | +44(0)7799 143369 | 0x1B3045CE "Waiter, there's no fly in my soup!" -- Kermit the frog