Nick Bane wrote: > Most interesting. That wasn't what I said > Does the flash erase with a stock bootldr? I guess it is just posible > that the flash/board is broken. I managed to try this and yes, if I use an original bootldr.small then it works (ie I can use it to download and burn itself). It is this version: -rw-r--r-- 1 colin colin 55168 2003-10-06 17:53 bootldr.small boot> ver Compaq OHH BootLoader, Rev 2-20-2 for Balloon [BIG_KERNEL] [MINIMAL FUNCTIONALITY] [SLOW_CPU] [MONO] Last link date: Thu Sep 18 11:17:47 BST 2003 Contact: Contact (Balloon): Of course I have no idea which source files match this. Do you have any ideas what might have changed between then and now? Just to make sure I repeated my test with the one you built me using gcc 2.95: -rw-r--r-- 1 colin colin 54912 2006-03-03 17:08 bootldr.small-gcc2.95 It still fails! I have to assume there is something different about the sources - maybe some change that you have made that only works on a tcl variant and not on a guralp variant. Can you identify which sources were used to build the working one please? > The fact that ACK0 is present in the second version suggests to me that > there is some compiler/linker dependency horror somewhere. Quite likely, however until we can get a version built with gcc 2.95 to work we are walking in the dark a bit. > Off for 1/2 weekend's rest and to replace a dead car. Terminally dead? Not fun - what did you buy? regards, Colin -- Colin Tuckley | | PGP/GnuPG Key Id +44(0)1903 236872 | +44(0)7799 143369 | 0x1B3045CE APATHY ERROR: Don't bother striking any key.