+++ Sean Kelley [06-04-11 01:28 -0500]: > This site is still not accessible. The website is now back on-line, but we have a problem with the back-end database which will cause poorliness for while yet. Apologies for the transition to the new site being less than smooth. Unfortunately all three people with the relevant permissions and expertise have gone on holiday/away at the same time _and_ the server has had a fit. In the meantime yaffs can be accessed over cvs export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.aleph1.co.uk:/home/aleph1/cvs cvs logon (Hit return when asked for a password) cvs checkout yaffs2 (or yaffs if you want the old code). or cvsweb: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/yaffs2/ NOrmal service will be resumed as soon as we can. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/