Steve and I did some analysis of Balloon returns last week. The most significant thing we discovered was a design error that has always been there, but doesn't usually cause problems (or we would have noticed it before). However applying a mod to fix it does appear to have brought several cards back to proper functioning so It's worth telling people about in case they have misbehaving cards. Do this mod first. Steve would no doubt explain this rather better but here's the software-engineer's version: Essentially the problem is that the USB chip is on the data bus and has it's power (VDD_3V_USB) controlled by the high-side switch chip U24 (from GPIO25 on the CPU). When the power to the USB chip is off but the databus is being driven 'bad karma' can happen as the chip tries to power itself off the databus. It doesn't quite manage this and the net result is that the USB power and clock cycles up and down at about 1Hz and bad data can get on the bus. This isn't always fatal, but it quite often is. On most boards the U24 VDD_3V_USB output seems to stay low anyway, but on some it doesn't. Once the USB power is explictily turned on (or off) then the problem goes away, but during early-stage bootloader activity there is the risk of curruption. The fix is to tie a 10K pulldown to 3V_USB_OFF so that the USB power defaults to on when it is not driven. wiki page here, which will have some pics shortly: Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: play: