I imported the current nick/daveB bootldr version into SVN last night. it's a branch in svn+shh://balloonboard.org/home/balloon/svn/balloon2/branches/ That should be exactly the same as what is currently in the balloon3 testv0.1 release dir (but it was very late and my first svn branch so I may have screwed it up). I've also fettled the permissions so everyone in group balloon should have r/w access to the repo. Can someone (Nick?) check that out and see if it builds/works OK for you? If so then everyone can now work in proper versionned land for future bootloader work and we should be able to get to the bottom of the differences between that and the 'mainline' bootldr 3.0 in svn+shh://balloonboard.org/home/balloon/svn/balloon2/trunk/bootldr (I will also be changing the svn structure around at some point. I don't think the balloon2 trunk bootldr bbl kernel branches ... balloon3 trunk ... branches ... structure is working out. there is more comonality than that (which is good). So I propose binning the top layer so we have trunk bootldr kernel bbl etc branches bootldr kernel etc. It could be done the other way up (with trunk/branch split below each app/program) but a) that's more change) and b) this gets the pesky trunk/branch bit slightly more 'out of the way in normal use, I think. If anyone has strong opinions state them now, as we don't wnat to rearrange things any more than necessary in the future. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://wookware.org/