I've added dave's bflash utility to svn. I had to modify the makefile a bit to make it build. I've changed it to build directly as bflash rather than as jflashmm. Is there a reason for keeping jflashmm binary around? I note that bflash on its own with no command line options segfaults. I suppose I could try this bugzilla thing :-) Do any docs on the command line options exist beyond what is in Configuring L3.doc? It occurs to me that we could enormously simplify that doc by utilising bbl. It's good to have the full version documented but don't our punters want the painless version? We just need to teach bbl about loon3 and bflash which isn't hard. I suspect team 'loon3' haven't tried bbl. You should - it's very nice. Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://wookware.org/