The second batch of 20 balloon3 prototypes are showing signs of life after some build hiccoughs. The kernel sources and development distro is updated with several noteworthy changes. The test-v0.1-testing rootfs is promoted and overwrites test-v0.1. - Toppoly VGA LCD panel and raw touchscreen support is added to the kernel. I have an xserver that is close to working nicely with the exception of touchscreen support that is too jittery to use and makes xeyes look a bit mad. Screens showing firefox, thunderbird, galeon and evolution all look very good while running on a laptop while using the Balloon3 as the xserver. - Udev support is now running well with only two oddities. Coldplug doesn't function as would be expected. A script at the end of the udev startup to poke "add" into /sys/../uevent is planned to make it work. Also, udev seems to try and do something to /dev/mtdblock0 and gets slightly upset when it can't - that needs investigating. A "don't do that" udev rule will make it not happen if that is the workaround. Wakeup is a bit slow due to interminable udev efforts to populate /dev. This needs a longer look at. - SDRAM (up to 4 banks in principle) is now from 0xa0000000 as per normal for pxa - the first batch were anomalous. This is reflected in bootldr and the kernel. - There is a single unified bootldr for cpld and fpga variants. If a NOR fpga image is mistakenly put into a cpld version, bootldr will stutter as it tries and fails to persuade the cpld to accept it. This will be tidied up in due course. Nick Bane