Hi, I just want to make sure I understand this right (I use yaffs-direct): The function QueryNandBlock in my low-level driver gets a pointer to sequence number and blockstate. So I suppose those are the two values that I must determine by reading the OOB on the chip. Blockstate according to what I saw in the code will be either NEEDS_SCANNING or DEAD or UNKNOWN (if the read operation failed). Sequence can be anything in a new device depending on how the tags are packed, but will propably be 0xffffffff which is allready higher that the default max YAFFS_HIGHEST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER. This causes yaffs to mark that block for later scanning, or any other block which have the same sequence number, during boot in the function scanBackwards and this, I think, is my problem. I see no 'format' type of function for a new file system on a new device, so what should I do? Regards Johann Kok ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This e-mail and its contents are subject to the Telkom SA Limited e-mail legal notice available at http://www.telkom.co.za/TelkomEMailLegalNotice.PDF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~