Hi, Not representing CUED officially, but as an interested party, I note that some of the boards at CUED don't like working with their CF wireless cards. If given "serious" traffic, they seem to dissociate from their AP, and generally stop working until the board is rebooted. Very light traffic doesn't seem to upset them (Although I think one won't work at all). My instinct - and the absence of lots of capacitors around the CF socket, is that perhaps the voltage supplies to the CF socket aren't able to support the large transient currents which could potentially be pulled by a wireless card (although I expect there are caps inside the WiFi card). Another issue, one of the boards has a solder blob between two components near the rework on the FPGA PSU controller. Another board has a component slewed to touch the one next to it in the same place as the solder-blob. Looking under a magnifier didn't quite convince me that they aren't connected to the same trace anyway, but getting schematics and at least top + bottom layer layouts for the various balloon builds would be of great assistance in determining if these soldering defects are a problem or not. Regards Peter Clifton