I've spent this afternoon trying to bring some old (P1 and P2 build) Loon 3 boards back from the dead (or at least dormant), and have had much confusion about which RAM banks are fitted with which chips, how they've been modded, and whether I should be using small or large memory model. In order to help sort out the mess, I've added a little memory probing thingy to bootldr which displays, once the memory is initalised, what it can find. For example, on a P2 board with small memory model: Small memory model selected, bank size 64Mbytes Bank 0: A0000000-A3FFFFFC (64Mbytes) Bank 1: A4000000-A7FFFFFC (64Mbytes) Bank 2: AC000000: no RAM found Bank 3: A8000000: no RAM found or on an E1 board with large memory model: Large memory model selected, bank size 256Mbytes Bank 0: A0000000-A7FFFFFC (128Mbytes) not contiguous Bank 1: B0000000-B7FFFFFC (128Mbytes) not contiguous Bank 2: 90000000: no RAM found Bank 3: 80000000-87FFFFFC (128Mbytes) not contiguous This is all checked into subversion though not tagged as yet. Now, if only bootldr could detect the type of RAM chip and set up the memory controller appropriately so one bootldr works on both types of board... Chris -- Chris Jones - chris@martin-jones.com Martin-Jones Technology Ltd, makers of Solidlights 148 Catharine Street, Cambridge, CB1 3AR, UK Phone +44 (0) 1223 655611 Fax +44 (0) 870 112 3908 http://www.solidlights.co.uk/