All the toolchains a person might ever need are available from as described here: But that is in a form only useful for debian-based systems. For other users RPM and tgz toolchains are needed. I've just made some of those with alien, and as the only install scripts involved are for the alternatives mechanism (for setting the default toolchain) they should work fine. But I can't test them as not-debian boxes are not allowed in the house :-) So can someone with a suitable machine download either: or all the rpms in (I don't thin the dependencies have been translated as part of the process, which is a pity, but bascailly you need all of those, except the c++ stuff is optional) and install them and see if stuff builds for you. (this will only really build kernels as-is because no libraries are included. We can sort out a similar scheme for cross-development packages (for zlib, etc) if this appears to work. Note the cross prefix is now arm-linux-gnu- not just arm-linux- (to distinguish from uclibc and gnueabi toolchains) Wookey -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: play: