On 01/03/07, Johnson, Charles F wrote: > I'm new to YAFFS. Is there a list of products that are known to > shipping YAFFS ?? I couldn't find anything in the archives. I have personally worked with several devices that ship yaffs in the real world. I don't really know if I'm allowed to specifically mention these devices though, so I wont. I estimate that these devices have probably shipped in excess of 10,000 Gb of NAND running Yaffs1/2. I am aware of some RMAs due to corrupted flash (for whatever reason), but it is so rare that there is no "standard procedure" to deal with it. I understand that many manufacturers don't particularly want the innards of their devices publicly known, but it might be nice to have a figure somewhere saying "Yaffs runs on x Gb of NAND in the real world". One product that I have worked on, and am comfortable saying "runs yaffs" is this device - http://bluewatersys.com/dsu/dds_express.php. Sorry that this is anecdotal, but it's the best I can offer. I've worked with Yaffs pretty much since it was first released (~4 years ago?), and I wouldn't personally choose any other file system for NAND. Cheers Brad