On Friday 02 March 2007 10:24, Johnson, Charles F wrote: > I'm new to YAFFS. Is there a list of products that are known to > shipping YAFFS ?? I couldn't find anything in the archives. Hi Charles There is no hard list. If you look on the yaffs list, you can figure out a bit by looking at email addresses. I know of many products shipping with YAFFS, but I am unable to give out those sorts of detail without permission. These products range through cell phones, PDAs, consumer (TV, entertainment, MP3), aerospace, vehicle navigation, point of sale,.... Most people are using YAFFS with Linux and many have used pre-configured bundles (such as produced by MontaVista). As such, I often don't even hear about most usage. Sometimes the first I hear of a YAFFS usage is when a manufacturer asks for some details about how to program the NAND chips. Sometimes the first I find out is when I hear from someone who knows me that has fiddled with an embedded device and seen that it runs a yaffs partition. There has been a huge uptake of YAFFS in Linux cell phones (particularly in Korea). Almost all YAFFS development has been funded, mainly by people wanting to add some new feature to YAFFS. So sorry, no concrete data :-). -- Charles