At the last Developers Meeting we agreed that another in 6 months time would be in order. The nominal date is actually this friday (25th). However as there is a huge amount of ballon-related activity going on right now, (a new Debian filesystem and initrd-based install, new comms mechanisms (USB gadget-based serial as well as ethernet), a new kernel (2.6.21), etc and changes in the manufacturing), it seems that this week is not the time for a meeting. Partly because we are too busy hacking and partly because there is too much flux for it to be very productive. Leaving it till next month will let things settle down enough that we can sensibly take stock and work out where we go next. I'm just starting to put info about all this new cool stuff on the wiki so you can play with it if you like. We'll suggest a new meeting date soon, probably towards the end of june. Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian