Giampaolo, On Wednesday 06 June 2007 07:14, Giampaolo Mancini wrote: > I'm also having the very same behavior on a RB153 with OpenWRT > trunk's YAFFS: i can't modify any file on the YAFFS filesystem > but moving the file to /tmp, editing there and then moving > back to YAFFS filesystem does the job. Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "can't modify any file". When you "move the file back to YAFFS", what's are you doing exactly: is this an update (open, seek, write), and overwrite (open, truncate, write) eg. cat >file, or an new file (unlink, create, write) eg. mv /tmp/file /yaffs-mount/file. Please supply more details. Are you getting write/read/seek errors, etc.? You may find the 'strace' utility useful to see what's going on when you "fail to modify" the file. In what state is the file that "can't be modified" ? Can you compare it to a copy of what is was, and/or what it should be? -imcd