Sorry for the late announcement - this should have gone out last week. The next Balloon developer meeting will be at Toby Churchill Ltd, 10:00 am, Friday 13th July. This is rescheduled from last month, as previously posted. We'd like to try and keep this to a half-day rather than have it take all day, but we'll have to see how things go. There has been a great deal of activity on the balloon front in the last couple of months with the software now in much better shape (although still in need of plenty of work). We are very close to the point where CUED can start shiping developer boxes and want to try and deal with any outstranding issues at this meeting so it can happen. All are welcome; please reply so we have an idea how many will be there. Some sustenance will be provided. Agenda will cover these issues - please reply if there are things you things should be added: * Balloon Open Hardware License - needs finalising enough that we can release stuff (expect more mail about this next week) * Demo systems: Brainstorming cool demo ideas * Balloon dev system distribution list - who gets them? - community mobilisation - communication issues * Software Build System - current status, outstanding issues: bootldr: port to gcc 4.1 kernel: RNDIS support balloon2 support ucb1400 codec improvements debootstrap: 1st stage booting issues with USB makefiles: better module set handling * Out-of-box experience Windows and Linux conectivity (USB serial/ethernet,RNDIS, adaptors, vnc, X, nomachine etc) IDE? Examples? * Armel (EABI) status and issues (toolchain, kernel bugs) * Docs status - wiki conversion?/tidying Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian