On 2007-10-19 14:49 +0200, Zoltán HUBERT wrote: > Bjørn Ove Årthun wrote on Friday 19 October 2007 13:43: > > I would be really > > grateful if someone could answer me with details > > regarding getting hold of a board via the next batch > > produced by cambridge university > > I'm joining this list of people who'd like one Balloon board > when they become available. Actually, I'd be interrested in > 2 boards (one with and one without FPGA) Yes. Sorry we keep ignoring you Zoltan. Thank you for your patience! We are working hard on software and getting out the batch for the Eng dept which will give us a better idea of what hardware changes are needed for the next batch (beyond RoHS compliance) and whether there are still hardware issues left. We have not yet found anything that doesn't work, but there are a few things that remain untested. Everything always takes longer than one would like, but once more people have boards in their hands (which is starting to happen) we will hopefully find out any remaining problems quite quickly, and can push the 'go' button on the next batch. Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/