Hi all, I like the open knowledge ideia. I love to use and work on free software, and i want to use free (as in freedom) hardware. I don't know about to make hardware, only about software and art. But i want to start work options hire. The LTSP is a growing service option, but we need to buy the server and the clients from other countries. But i believe, we only need to buy servers and chips. The client build can be a good work for small busines. So... The Balloon can be connected to a common monitor? And in a common keyboard? You have a Balloon build option focused on a thin client needs to we use as LTSP client? Is this easy? How much will cost to the BalloonzCompany make that board and send me? ... And i like to have a Balloon to use, as a Nokia 800 jr. :-) It can boot a GNU/Linux from a USB drive? It will allow the use as a hand computer. How much will cost to the BalloonzCompany make that board with a color LCD and send me? ... And... sory my ignorance. How the board receives energy? How do i use the LTSP Balloom on a AC 110V energy source? How do i use the hand Balloom with a small DC battery? Thanks! Aurium -- -===================================================- . . Aurélio A. Heckert [ GNU/Linux ] / \ http://www.aurium.cjb.net ((__-^^-,-^^-__)) `-_---" "---_-´ Ilustração Vetorial Livre: `--|o` ´o|--´ http://InkscapeBrasil.org \ ' / Projeto Software Livre - Bahia: ): :( http://psl-ba.softwarelivre.org (o_o) Coop. de Tecnologias Livres: "-" http://www.colivre.coop.br ------------------------------------------------- GNU/Linux User #312507 http://counter.li.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( ( ( http://www.midiaindependente.org ) ) ) -===================================================- "Se conhecimento é poder, que país governado por industriais dará a verdadeira educação? Cuidado com o feedback da miséria!" Tet Ramon "Eu temo pela minha espécie quando penso que Deus é justo." Thomas Jefferson