On 2007-11-02 20:11 -0300, Aurélio A. Heckert wrote: > Hi all, > > I like the open knowledge ideia. > I love to use and work on free software, and i want to > use free (as in freedom) hardware. > > I don't know about to make hardware, only about software > and art. But i want to start work options hire. > > The LTSP is a growing service option, but we need to buy > the server and the clients from other countries. But i > believe, we only need to buy servers and chips. The > client build can be a good work for small busines. > > So... > The Balloon can be connected to a common monitor? > And in a common keyboard? Well, sort of :-) The bare balloon board has an LCD output which will drive an LCD screen, not a common VGA-interfaced LCD monitor. It also has USB host into which a USB keyboard can be plugged. We have designed an add-on board which makes the balloon into a thin client - it has ethernet, VGA-out, and USB for mouse, keyboard etc. (and other IO, including SD cards However at this moment in time there is only one of these in the world. We will be getting some more done soon and making sure that the whole thing works properly. This board should make balloon into a very nice Thin client. > You have a Balloon build option focused on a thin client needs > to we use as LTSP client? Is this easy? As you can see it is under construction. If you want to help with the development then we should be able to work something out. > How much will cost to the BalloonzCompany make that board > and send me? Very good question. We'd have to work out which build option was most suitable in order to say how much it would cost. > And i like to have a Balloon to use, as a Nokia 800 jr. :-) > It can boot a GNU/Linux from a USB drive? It will allow > the use as a hand computer. How much will cost to the > BalloonzCompany make that board with a color LCD and send me? It normally boots from flash, but you could arrange a boot from USB via the initramfs if that's what you need - no problem. All the parts are already in the distro for that. The awkward bit here is that the only mature interface board with USB sockets on is the IO board from CUED. You can put this in a box with a display but it come out quite a lot fatter than an N800 at the moment :-) http://balloonboard.org/gallery/300/boxdisplay.jpg We have fitted that into a 2-chunk box, but it really wants a more suitable IO board that doesn't include motor controllers for robotics and other stuff you probably didn't want. > And... sory my ignorance. How the board receives energy? Balloon itself want a 4V-4.6V regulated DC supply capable of 300mA. If powered via the CUED IO board then anything around 12V DC will be fine. > How do i use the LTSP Balloom on a AC 110V energy source? Use a wall-wart or small switcher supply. > How do i use the hand Balloom with a small DC battery? Plug the battery in the power socket :-) (There is also a backup battery option to keep the date if you want to get into details - that hasn't been fitted so far). Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/