It seems that bbl currently reads it's configuration from three places: /etc/bblrc - an overall system config ~/.bblrc - a local user config bblrc - a local default config They are read in the order above and information from subsequent files overwrites earlier information. It is also possible to override any of the information with command line options. Some questions; 1) Do we really need all three? 2) Should the user default be last? 3) The local config file is read from the current directory, is this useful or even correct? My preference would be to remove the "local default" one. Colin -- Colin Tuckley | | PGP/GnuPG Key Id +44(0)1903 236872 | +44(0)7799 143369 | 0x1B3045CE Common Sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. - A. Einstein